Take a look at what I've been working on!

Passionate Landing Page Live Site Preview - Developed by Nikola Ashton

Passsionate Landing Page

This project showcases fundamental web development skills, including:

  • HTML: Implemented essential elements such as headings, paragraphs, divs, spans, links, images, and buttons.
  • CSS: Applied styling techniques like margin, padding, font size and weight, color schemes, linear gradients, line heights, box shadows, borders, and transitions.
  • JavaScript: Integrated interactive features using variables, conditional statements, alerts, prompts, and event handling.
Hobby Landing Page Live Site Preview - Developed by Nikola Ashton

Hobby Landing Page

This project features:

  • HTML: Structured content with semantic elements.
  • CSS: Utilised background properties, transform properties, CSS grids, and implemented a dark/light theme toggle.
  • Personalisation: Included a personalised footer with my name.
Weather App Live Site Preview - Developed by Nikola Ashton

Weather App

Key components include:

  • HTML & CSS: Built the foundational layout and styling of the app.
  • JavaScript: Displayed current date and time, and added a search functionality.
  • API Integration: Fetched and displayed weather data, including wind speed, weather description, icons, and forecasts.
  • Deployment: Hosted the project on Netlify with a link to the GitHub repository.
Multi-Time Zone Clock Live Site Preview - Developed by Nikola Ashton

Multi-Time Zone Clock

This project highlights:

  • HTML & CSS: Structured and styled the application with a user-friendly interface.
  • JavaScript: Managed different dates and times for at least three locations.
  • Interactive Elements: Included a select element for location choices and a link to the homepage for easy navigation.
  • User Location Feature: Displayed the current date and time of the user's location.
  • Deployment: Hosted on Netlify with a link to the GitHub repository.
AI Content Generator Live Site Preview - Developed by Nikola Ashton

AI Content Generator

This project includes:

  • HTML & CSS: Designed an intuitive form for user instructions and styled the output.
  • JavaScript & AI Integration: Implemented AI functionality to generate a four line inspirational quote based on user input.
  • Deployment: Hosted on Netlify with a link to the GitHub repository.
Responsive Landing Page Live Site Preview - Developed by Nikola Ashton

Responsive Landing Page

This project includes:

  • Hero Section & Footer: Designed a compelling hero section and a cohesive footer for enhanced user engagement.
  • CSS Grids & Cards: Utilised pure CSS grids to create a flexible and structured layout, incorporating cards to highlight key content.
  • Embeds & HTML Tables: Integrated HTML embeds and tables to present information in a structured and accessible manner.
  • CSS Filters & Advanced Styling: Applied CSS filters and advanced styling techniques to enhance the visual appeal and user experience.
  • Deployment: Hosted the project on Netlify, ensuring accessibility and performance across different devices and platforms.

This project reflects my commitment to creating responsive and visually appealing web pages that provide a consistent user experience on any device.

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👩‍💻 This project was coded by Nikola Ashton, and is open-sourced